Mama, What are you Thankful for?

As a mama of two, I am always teaching and reminding my children to use their manners. Saying please and thank you is a must in our house but I realize our children follow most of what we say but a WHOLE lot more of what they see. Being a mom is NOT easy but it is rewarding and one jewel I have found that keeps me motivate when the days seem to never end is making a list or saying out loud what I am thankful for! Yes I know it’s the season “to be Thankful” but truth is if you are reading this you have a reason to be thankful whether it’s Thanksgiving or any random day. So start today take a moment alone or with your littles and share with each other what each of you are thankful for. It’s easy to think about the things we don’t have but I guarantee if you began practicing being grateful for what you have it will take your day in a more positive direction. Today I am thankful for you (yes you )! Mama as you read this, know you are killing it! Thank you for showing up and being the best mama for you and all those who depend on you!

Lydia Seymour